Acute Visits
We are able to manage the several conditions as one-time visits for those having difficulty accessing their primary care provider during this time or who don't have a primary care provider. During the visit, if it is determined that in-person evaluation is needed, this can be scheduled.
Visit cost: $40
(This is already included in membership for those on the membership plan. For those with Medicare, Medicare billing rules apply.)
Flu/COVID-19 concerns
Cold symptoms
Constipation or diarrhea
Conjunctivitis (“pink eye”)
Sore throat
Sinus pain
30-day medication refill (no controlled substances or high-risk medications)
You may access the patient portal and practice registration information at:
Please complete the following in the portal.
Notice of Privacy Practices & Acknowledgements
General Consent to Treatment
HIPAA Privacy Authorization Form.
Medical history questionnaire
Family history questionnaire
Social history questionnaire
"My Medications"
"My allergies"
"My pharmacies”
Once we have everything, we can schedule a telehealth appointment.
Please call the office if you have any questions.